Stateful Joins in SQL


Gabriel Stechschulte


August 22, 2024


In some scenarios, one needs to enrich an event stream with data from another source that holds “state”. This state provides additional context to the event stream.

For example, in manufacturing, a machine may use a set of machine process parameters (acceleration, force, etc.) when producing an item. The process parameters represent the “state” of the machine at production time \(t\). However, the software services that publishes messages on what is being produced and the machine process parameters currently used are separate. Furthermore, to avoid the duplication of data, the service that publishes process parameters only publishes a message when there is a change in state, e.g when an operator changes one of process parameters.

Data simulation

Lets simulate some data with TimescaleDB.

CREATE TABLE production (
    time timestamptz NOT NULL,
    product_id INT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO production
   1 as product_id
FROM generate_series('2024-01-01 05:00:00', '2024-01-01 05:05:00', INTERVAL '1m') AS time
    2 as product_id
FROM generate_series('2024-01-01 05:10:00', '2024-01-01 05:13:00', INTERVAL '1m') AS time

SELECT * FROM production;
time product_id
2024-01-01 05:00:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:01:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:02:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:03:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:04:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:05:00+00 1
2024-01-01 05:10:00+00 2
2024-01-01 05:11:00+00 2
2024-01-01 05:12:00+00 2
2024-01-01 05:13:00+00 2
CREATE TABLE machine (
    time timestamptz NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO machine (time, speed)
VALUES ('2024-01-01 02:00:00'::timestamptz, 40.0),
       ('2024-01-01 05:07:00'::timestamptz, 60.0);

SELECT * FROM machine;
time speed
2024-01-01 02:00:00+00 40.0
2024-01-01 05:07:00+00 60.0

Postgres stateful join

We would like to enrich the production data with the process parameters from machine. Thus, we need to join the most recent process parameter with a production event where a production event most occur greater than or equal to the change in machine state.

This enrichment can be achieved with a stateful join using PostgreSQL’s LATERAL JOIN expression. The LATERAL keyword allows a subquery or derived table to reference columns from tables listed before it in the FROM clause. A LATERAL join is like a for loop: for each row returned by the tables listed before LATERAL in the FROM clause, PostgreSQL will evaluate the LATERAL subquery using the current row’s values. The resulting rows from the LATERAL subquery are joined to the current row, typically using a JOIN condition of ON TRUE since the real join conditions are inside the LATERAL subquery. This process is then repeated for each row or set of rows from the tables preceding LATERAL.

FROM production prod
    SELECT time as change_time,
    FROM machine
    WHERE time <= prod.time
    ORDER BY time DESC
    LIMIT 1
    ) ON TRUE;
time product_id change_time speed
2024-01-01 05:00:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:01:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:02:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:03:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:04:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:05:00.000000 +00:00 1 2024-01-01 02:00:00.000000 +00:00 40
2024-01-01 05:10:00.000000 +00:00 2 2024-01-01 05:07:00.000000 +00:00 60
2024-01-01 05:11:00.000000 +00:00 2 2024-01-01 05:07:00.000000 +00:00 60
2024-01-01 05:12:00.000000 +00:00 2 2024-01-01 05:07:00.000000 +00:00 60
2024-01-01 05:13:00.000000 +00:00 2 2024-01-01 05:07:00.000000 +00:00 60

In our hypothetical manufacturing example, the machine process parameters changed when product 2 began producing. Before this enrichment process, it wouldn’t have been known why the time to produce product 2 was faster. However, the LATERAL JOIN allows us to see that the speed increased from 40 to 60.